We humans are very curious to know if some thing are unknown to us. Sometimes this happens when one of the friends keep a secret and the other is very curious to know. Remember the treasure hunt we used to play during our childhood, we used to explore things. We used to treat something as a treasure and then tried to find it. Yet the child inside of us is alive and we do some silly things. But, few of us wants to have thrill in our life and for having thrill in our life we sometimes mess with an unknown entity which may make your memories a terror, striking in your heart.
A group of friends worked together in a company namely Boris, Alice, Patrick, June, Jane and Carward. They used to live in a same building having flats in it. They used to travel and have fun by going to restaurants, pubs, disco and trips to different countries. As they worked like hell during their work hours they wanted a source of entertainment so that they can enjoy their work and can get back to normal. 
There are always two turns in our life, One is wrong and One is right. They were always on the right path, taking right turns until a night of wrong turn appeared. This was 5th December 2015, and a plan was made for a night out not for disco, pub, or anything but for a walk. The weather was rainy that day and it was winters so they decided to warm themselves up by going for a walk. They started at 8 P.M. and decided not to come back before 4 A.M. as the next day was Sunday. This was the first mistake and the first turn in their life where they went wrong. Everyone was ready to have a good and refreshing time and they went on. While walking they were lost in the talks and chatter and they came across a sign board near a park area. There was written something on the board which was not clear, Alice cleared the board from her hand and now the letters were clear "HAUNTED HOUSE."
Alice got scared as Alice believed in these thing so she asked everyone to skip the path and wanted to go another way. It was 3 AM and date was 6th December 2015. But, everyone took the concern of Alice as her cowardliness and continued to move on the same path. The turning point of all of their lives. 3 A.M. is known to be the time of devil and yet, ignoring all the signs, they continued on the same path.

After going in the same path they found that a pungent smell was there also some different sounds were coming out of the dark. They all found it interesting and now the biggest mistake was committed and that was, "they began the search for a ghost."  It was confirmed that they are going to mess with an entity which should not be disturbed. They followed all the signs that are indicating about the presence of an unknown identity. And finally they saw a house across the park. They were not feeling any pressure until they crossed the park in the way to the house. Just after crossing the park Carward saw someone passing through the window. Alice knew that it was real while everyone took it as a joke made by Carward and once more Alice forced everyone to go back. Yet the excitement was at peak and everyone rejected the request made by Alice and Carward also thought that it was just an illusion.
Finally they were at the entry of the house. They searched all the house from outside first before going inside. While checking Patrick and June saw a face horrifying and June was scared as hell and started to beg to get back. Patrick went crazy and now was more excited to break in the house. The door was locked from inside which was another indication and was overlooked again by everyone. June and Alice ran back as they were feeling sick and they were on their way back to apartment. On their way back they felt like they were being followed, then, a loud grunting sound was heard and both of them ran for getting back to the apartments. They reached the apartments and were feeling relaxed and lighter.
Rest Carward, Patrick, Jane and Boris went on and when they were unsuccessful at opening the front door, they tried the back door and there was a guard sitting with a stick in his hand. There was a bulb behind him and after that was a spooky grill door. All of them were shocked as when they searched the house from outside there was no one and no light was there however now out of nowhere a guard was present near a haunted abandoned house. The Guard asked them "Get Out! Or you will be in trouble soon." and they ignored that too by cracking jokes on that statement. Suddenly the bulb and watchmen vanished before there eyes in the air. Now the horror struck in their mind too and they turned back to run.
What happened was not at all expected by them. They turned and they were looking out of a room through a window, Patrick lost his consciousness, fell on the floor and rest all were confused and scared, trying to figure out where they are and what should they do. Boris took out his phone and turned on the flashlight of camera. Boris when turned and ran around the whole place was able to make out that he was in that haunted house. All three remaining Boris, Jane and Carward were weeping in every sense and were begging for help when doors and windows started banging, a great sound of grunting and screaming was heard. Boris was thrown out of the window, Jane was dragged here and there and Cardward was standing before a black identity. When Cardward was trying to see that identity by turning on the flashlight of his phone, his hand got fractured, he was slapped hard, blood was coming out of his mouth and he was hanging in the air. Carward was beaten till he got unconscious, while Jane was dragged to upper floor and she also saw the black shadowed entity and fell unconscious and Boris was already lying unconscious out of the window.
All four were rescued by Alice and June at 5 in the morning when they got worried about their friends. All 4 were found near the sign board in the same manner described. All their experience was shared by them.
Now the bond between them is stronger than before and they do got to walks taking all the precautions. Till date they see the identity in their dreams and sometimes in real life too.


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