Winter comes with Halloween. Well for students it does not. Students have to do internships! Yes, specially the law students who are talisman of law. The more evolving concepts of the studies in the province of law have grasped importance of internships. Students thereby following their particular selected subjects in law do internships at various courts, law firms and elsewhere. One such girl was Rita, started her internship on a hill station at the High Court. She was not getting anything out of the internship as the Judge under which she was interning was very busy and was not in a condition to mentor her. She was in a place where she wanted to enjoy yet ending up each day bored and tired. Well one such thing which was fascinating was the fog of the hill stations.

The next night created a place of haunting in her mind deep down that can neither be healed nor be erased. She was coming back to her hostel, from the city-lights when she heard someone breathing heavily and that sound was coming nearer to her as she was walking to the dark area nearby the hostel. Her curiosity to find out who is following drove her to a different path which she used to take that lead to the woods that was around her hostel. She turned again and again and felt the breathing sound approaching her. She saw in the dark someone sitting and staring at her. She thought it's a human stalking her and that pissed her off. She turned on the flashlight of her mobile and saw the shining eyes glaring at her. She had got relieved since it was a cat which ran away. Rita committed a mistake here by after the cat just to teach it a lesson. She got trapped as one naked human was sitting right behind the grass with his back facing Rita. It was not clear because of the smog. When it turned in flick of an eye because of the light, Rita saw Rake for the very first time in her life. Rake is a creäture just like human but is a deadly one. It can kill human if it wants and it feeds on flesh of either human or animals. Rita had met one of the most deadly creäture known to humans.
She went close to see if there's a human in there. She thought that the human is in pain but this turned the danger right on her. The rake turned seeing the flash lights with the glowing eyes facing her. In moments the Rake stood up and Rita was like a child in front of it. Rita ran with all her strength. She could hear the unusual screaming of the creäture following her. But, she was able to make it to the hostel in time. Although, this was not saving her from the creäture she had just seen. She started sobbing and was in shock to see something which she never expected to see in her life. All that was known to her was that it was something terrible which she saw. She barely was able to recover from the event and after a while moved to the restroom for washing for her face. She saw the same creäture in the bathtub. It stood up again and Rita sprinted from her room but the Rake caught her leg right before when she was about to leave her hostel room. It tried to drag her inside when she somehow managed to escape and locked the room from outside. She started banging the next door and told her to call the police. The girl from the other room took her in and locked the door from inside. Soon the great banging started on the door and a part of the door scratched so hard that hardly few layers were left to break it. It stopped abruptly and both Rita and Camley (the girl from other room) hear voice of Yuni (Rita's roommate) calling Rita. Yuni was screaming at the peak of her voice asking for help when the siren of police was heard and Yuni cam out with a bleeding stopped.
The Rake escaped and the area is still having signs to not to move during night or after sunset. The audio tapes are on the way. As soon as, they will be delivered, the audio will be available on my blogs.
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